My, what a quick response, Eliar. Worried?
I thought that you might find Matt TwOtt' ZOGbott's revised blitherings hilarious. Finckelsheenie is a sociopathic criminal without any sense of humor that I can see. Forward it to them if you want.
Go get Finckelsheenie, Eliar. Did you know that Matt TwOtt ZOGbott and Iceskraeling and LegalMamzer2012 Johns were on Dan Johns show Wednesday nite possibly looking to defect. Check out the chat on my web page, Eliar.
Actually, I prefer it when you jewkals kill and eat diseased animals and goats. Means that I don't have to sully my staff in disposing of them myself. Finckelsheenie's goats might get tired of being shit on and they might wander back to a more deft and subtile goat-herder. Even had Bruce Goremamzer wanting to jump ship to me a few months ago, but I gave Brucie no encouragement.
But if you choose to disbelieve me go right ahead. Enjoy jewr paranoia.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 8:52 AM, Eli James <> wrote:
You and Fink are working together, aren't you?
--- On Fri, 12/9/11, Martin Lindstedt <> wrote:
From: Martin Lindstedt <>
Subject: Matt TwOtt ZOGbott fights with Rabbi Eliar James/jewseph Kutz/November & an UnRUly CAp-LocK kEy.To: "pastorlindstedt" <>, "Russell Walker" <>, "Eli James" <>Date: Friday, December 9, 2011, 6:50 AM
World's Tuffest MamzerMember Join Date: Oct 2010Posts: 15Joe November's latest attack, and my response -- LIeS!!! fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!!
Joe November's latest attack, and my response -- LIeS!!! fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!!
Joseph November, you are a fraud and a liar, which is forgivable, but not for telling the truth about Rabbi Finckelsheenie & Capt'n Senility Emahiser. There is not one element of Bill and Clifton's teachings that are not supported by AT LEAST 2 SCRIPTURAL WITNESSES! CAN I NAME ONE OF THEM? NO!!! bUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT THEY DON'T EXIST . . . . SOMEWHERE. Can you say the same? Hell no, maybe! You are a master at sophistry, word play, emotional appeals, and ad hominem attacks whereas my master Rabbi Finckelsheenie is a simple Haisidic skrewler with only a few words of English and even less mastery of Greek. Because I am a retarded inbred drunken whigger whose best part of its ZOG federal agent father ran down its whore skank mother's leg and I have no accomplishments other than five or six DWI coonvictions, I am not even going to waste my time picking apart your bullshit in this e-mail . . . I can't . . . . but the fact that I wasted enough time reading much of it with but a third-grade reading comprehension level is bad enough . . . time better spent in beating that dumb-ass skank Sheryl, or drinking and driving, or sneaking off to niggertown to 'change my luck . . . Bill and Clifton will tear this up like they do to every response and "teaching" you have by making up some more off the wall shit if they can't find a suitably 'papist preterist' reference from the Jesuits. You may be able to snow the gullible ones that lick up every drip cumming out of Rabbi Finckelsheenie's ass while holding its Talmudic sewing circle, ones like me who don't and can't read and research for themselves, but for many of usinbred retarded ZOGbots and wandering mamzers of 'WikiPedia-Talksjew CI, you're more transparent than a piece of glass. We prefer the outright lies of the Ashkenaziac marrano jewboy Rabbi Finckelsheenie to jewr Sheephardic subtilties Eliar. You THINK you are sly with your constantly shifting positions, and your obvious knowledge of jewish psycho-babble. And you are to us retards starving for an out and outright honest ass-fucking from likes of Rabbi Finckelsheenie. What that twisted evil bastard can do with a piglice nightstick!!! Yahweh's TRUE watchmen have their eyes on YOU and we-SELFS andwill continue to expose you for the fraud that you are. You think everyone has forgotten how your would be "prophecies" that come from man and not God keep falling flat, as well as your cowardice during your personally perpetrated "schism", and your excuses for not debating Bill when you had the chance . . . and never mind the fact that it is Bill who is ducking debate. Us criminal mamzer tards love to issue challenges and then claim how we won even though as the challenged party you get the choice of weapons and grounds . . . so we say that you lost because you wouldn't debate when he was agreeable to it. How about a debate between you and I? You need to pay attention to Rabbi Finckelsheenie's pet ass-licker when in fact it should be a fight between your pet tard Commandork McFagg/Steve Elder-Schultz and me. You're not scared are you? Sure you are! Don't you see that picture of a heavy-breathing moron with a big knife and 42BB bitch-tits? Me and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren were going over 666 miles to perform a Granby Hovel Invasion and I was cummin' as Marilyn Monroe and Ol' Nigger-Lips Bryan Reo as a sort of mamzer faggot Elvis. That's is why you are caught constantly backpedaling to cover your tracks and your lies. It will be so easy to blow all your DOCTRINAL THEORIES out of the water because you NEVER use AT LEAST 2 SCRIPTURAL WITNESSES. YES, I SAID THAT BEFORE, BUT THERE IS A SERIOUS LIMIT TO WHAT MY PEA-BRAIN CAN RETAIN. I SURE WISH MY IQ NUMBER WAS LARGER THAN MY TRAINING BRASSIER SIZE. WHERE WAS I? OH YEAH, You scripture twisting may work to satisfy your listeners who apparently share the same agenda you do, but not for TRUE students of the Bible. Those whO lIvE bY eVeRy woRD of tHe fINckElShEEnIe tAlMUDic jEW TestaMiNT tRansLatIoN. fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!! If ANYTHING, Bill has given you the credibility you do NOT deserve through his affiliation with you that he begged you for after he got out of prison and waiting for his nigger-stretched bunghole to heal and shit. Your deliberate character assassination is worthy of the jew media! You learned from your masters well JUST THE FACT THAT YOU ARE ACCUSING BILL OF MURDER PROVES YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN IDENTITY FRAUD AND A LIAR. dIDN't yOU lEARn tHat IT Is SlANdER wHEn U rEPeAt ThE TrUtH? fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!! Bill was NEVER convicted of murder, just of the cowardly beating to death of a shackled prisoner half his size and NO WHERE IN SCRIPTURE does it EVER say that the killing of a non-Adamite is tantamount to MURDER even WhEn U R A zOG pIG!!! fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!!. Such accusations PROVE your universalism. Yeah they do. They do. Yes REalLy!!! fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!! The fact that you keep trying to provide excuses and sanctuary for ANYONE like mamzers and jews like Bryan Reo, Commandork McFagg, Bill FinCk, fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!! but ISRAELITES is APPALLING. You are a CATHOLIC IDENTIST like Bill Finck and Bryan Reo who has turned against the Mother Babylonian Church and nothing more. You are trying (unsuccessfully) to water down The Truth as Rabbi Finckelsheenie and Captn' Senility Emahiser define it to fit your own agenda and desire to be "popular"...or is there something more sinister here, say, SOMETHING HIDING IN YOUR GENE POOL lIKe bRyaN rEo/sWorDBrEthReN fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!! (you STILL have not produced your DNAPROOF...RON WYATT)? Not that I expect you to come clean, because lying, character assassination, and Scripture twisting seem to be what you arenearly as good at as Rabbi FinCk and cApT'N sENiLiTy eMAhISEr aRe fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!! good at these days and nothing else.
A TRUE dRuNKen zOGbOt iNbReD fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!! non-QUItE fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!! Israelite,
Matthew TwOtt zOGboTT fUcKiNg CAp-LoK kEy!!!
Matt TwOtt ZOGbott
Did you know that I'm Yashuah's Battle-Ass?
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