So here I am, writing this while sleeping on a wet inflatable matress. This two night trip to Algonquin Prov. Park has turned out to be the worst outing ever. It's rained almost the whole time we've been here - the canvas tent will be packing up wet! The window next to my bed was left open and filled my matress and sleeping bag with 2 litres (have a gal for you americans) of water. There were also a lot of other misfortunes which are TOO NUMEROUS to list.
I'm getting up early tomorrow and GTFO of here as soon as possible
spent the day hiking a few of the trails ,this is a great place to visit!
found this guy along the way about 5 ft
Targeted individuals should be wary of other users with forms and no substance, those who ridicule people who produce content directed at exposing these crimes against humanity, while they produce nothing but vitriol and lies against those taking a stand, for they are the COINTELPRO agents working to fracture a cohesive movement geared toward exposure. They are obvious. Anyone with eyes can see.
Some cowardly piece of garbage decided to flag my last video called "Golfer's Digest." Can I infer from the fact that Youtube removed it that Youtube personnel is playing ball with the creeps attacking me here, people who are without a doubt coordinating with the scum on the streets that stalk me everywhere I go. Therefore, I thought I would return with a little reminder to everybody about why I am here in the first place and what it is that I am about. It seems that there are a number of lies circulating out there about me, which any person who thinks critically should be able to dispel by simply looking at the purpose for such attacks against me. The bottom line is that someone does not like my speech and is doing everything in their power to silence me. Ask yourselves why. The answer is I am right, I telling the truth, and because I am blowing the whistle on their sick little program.
Don't go no where. Are you ready to get your life back? I believe I just found gold. I found something very very very interesting about ELF waves and how to build a transmittor like these demented monsters are using on us. Apparently you can do it with stuff from Radio Shack and electronic stores. I have the diagram for how to build one. Booya. Hooray. I'm dancing on my ceiling. I will be back in touch as soon as I figured it out but anyone who wants the diagram ahead of me, just let me know.
Sorry but I just saw now your comment on my page. I was framed via police forgeries. 11 police departments from 4 countries worked on the case. All lied and some made forgeries. I contacted 552 European news papers, all human rights organizations, 50+ Internet experts and 50 politicians. Not one replied. I even appealed to the European Court of Human Rights but this as fake and bogus as the rest of the fake democratic system. See my page for the link to the police forgery.
PaskellParis posted a comment 1 hour ago "Theoretically command could kill anyone they want under the cover of NDAA." I don't think so. Killing people under the cover of the NDAA is clearly illegal and unconstitutional. They might be able to do it. But they will only get away with it if people are so cowardly that they let the threat of state-sponsored murder scare them into submission. I, for one, will not allow myself to be intimidated by scum like PaskellParis and the kind of people who worked behind the scenes to get the NDAA passed. This is a nation of laws, and this swine will be sent to prison and executed for his treason. I don't care if he does happen to wear a badge or hold a position in the military.
SEIUMAN posted a comment 6 hours ago "Does it take more courage to self terminate, or face another day of misery and defeat?" I see that SEIUMAN is pondering the implications of his own failure. Well, my vote is for him to self terminate, because even in his misery and defeat he's fouling up the place by using it as an excuse to lash out at those, like me, who are superior to him in every way.
I find it interesting that one of the changes that Youtube made with "Youtube - China Version 1.0" is to make removed comments anonymous with the cute message "Comment removed - Author withheld." It's just more circumstantial evidence pointing to Youtube's part in allowing the kind of perverts who enjoy tormenting others to have access to their systems, while at the same time making "improvements" that are anti-speech, pro-authoritarian, and pro-stalker.
Thanks for the heads up. The same cowards that I have outed as moles and their cyber-stalking friends like to go through my videos and try to suppress comments. Hell, the ruthless 27Noodles59 got my video "Cowardice" put on the age-restricted list. I am still trying to figure out how, since there is nothing inappropriate about that video, aside from the fact that it lambasts the Bar Associations for their cowardice and complicity in these crimes and the fact that that is where Noodles first outed herself as a mole and had evidence against her, even though she tried to cover her tracks as soon as I called her out.
Just took a look at the "Behind the Scenes" video comments - saw that YOUR reply had been removed as "spam", as well as 44prot's, and other comments were removed. Saw the same thing happen on someone else's video - which included similar content. Coincidence? [I presume you and prot didn't "spam" yourselves...:) ]
Notice how "they, the perps" come to us and not us to them....who is afraid of who. I ain't no victim, I have them busy and afraid. What use would we have for a perp under mindlock? They have to rotate people around or they get worn down ....ahhh...they need many to attack me and still I stand. I ain't no victim, I got some criminals really
Rock on, the con artist is a con artist because he has no power, hence the con game. The only hope for the perp is to slow down your rapid ascension. Bliss, Compassion, mindfulness to ya. Keep your eyes open and thank you for sharing what so many have faced without the ability to communicate. Namaste
I must say, it's not only fake, in the most obvious of ways, but it is so utterly ridiculous and such a foolish waste of time too! And, they claim to be either one, or the other, of the following.... 1.) A TI who is a "Victim' and fears their Life and Safety and would never gloat in public, over Love, for fear of the Perps. 2.) Supposedly one is too busy to be into silly Love Games, when they're literally saving the world. Especially, since according to them, they are the BEST 'Hackers' who can save us ALL - Didn't you know that?! RIGHT - As IF - NOT! Gimme a Freakin' Break People - Because, if we have to rely on 'THEM' to save the world from being corrupt, then who - WHO - I Ask.... Is going to actually save US, from 'Them' - in the end - Yikes!?! Hmmm?! LOL ;)
It's time for another dose of truth serum: Do you know what's worse than overly obnoxious real world public displays of affection? I'd say it would have to be online attempts to emulate them in the virtual world. What's worse than that? Obviously, it's the mentality of the people who would take the time and energy to attempt such a feat, resulting in the presence of a bunch of hackneyed crap on their channels. Hopefully, this message finds those who need to hear it the most.
evelynjean1956 posted a comment 32 minutes ago "@Thetrutisoutthere32, prove I am paid and employed to do what you accuse me of. You need to shut your wormy mouth and stay in that basement." Oh, I will prove it. Unfortunately for you, I will have to defy the order that you just barked at me in order to do it and leave the basement. Too bad, every time I do, I am assailed by people who are as despicable as you are and I am followed, harassed constantly, and targeted with sophisticated weaponry, the real world equivalent to what you guys have been doing to me here. That makes it extremely difficult, but rest assured, I will get it done. You and others shouldn't have perped me like you did.
DaisyDukeRock posted a comment 8 minutes ago "Truly, no decent person would ever attack someone who was disabled and suffered a hardship. You have not lived my life, and I pray that you never have the kind of pain that I've experienced. The battery of tests alone, are frightening enough - From Myasthenia Gravis to Multiple Sclerosis to LG... I seriously question your Christianity/salvation at this point, since you certainly do not act like a real, true Christian woman does." No, she's the opposite of a Christian. Those who cloak themselves in Christianity in order to perpetrate evil will not be looked upon favorably in the eyes of God and she knows it. She attacks God deliberately.
evelynjean1956 in reply to thetruthisoutthere32 (Show the comment) 1 day ago 3 "LIARS ARE VILE. File that tort Mr. Victim or shut your whiney, bitter, lie filled mouth. You are a thief as well. File your tort, many of us are waiting to testify how YOU used our history, the purpose you admitted is a book and/or film. well you can not steal, ethics, morals, decency, courage and most of all truth..." Laughable. You just admitted that you and your crew are conspiring to commit perjury. You're right that "liars are vile," which is why we have laws against corrupting the fact-finding process in courts of law and courts of equity and why your bullshit is not going to be very well received in court. You speak out of both sides of your mouth and prove your hypocrisy. You are truly disgusting.
evelynjean1956 posted a comment 2 hours ago "@DDR: You still live with your mommy and your in your forties? SICKO..." Well, I guess things are not so easy for people who are having their lives systematically destroyed and refuse to sell out for a perp check. What's amazing is how much satisfaction some of the so-called advocates for victims of these crimes get from reveling in the misfortune that this system creates in the lives of its victims, and how much they like to rub such things in people's faces, which is pretty telling in itself. A real sicko is someone who enjoys torturing people and then kicking them while they are down.
You ought to know. They still keep you around despite the fact that you're a miserable failure of a cyber-gang-stalker and have not been able to neutralize this target or deter me from continuing to speak the truth. How many more of you idiots are they going to assign to me before they learn the the quality of people that would do your job is no match for someone like me? If a T.S.A. agent and Officer Rivieri mated, the offspring would resemble you and your kind. When you and GenoParis45 mated the offspring was TAPSCEO.
This video details some of the goals underlying the targeting of civilians, by their own governments, in what is a dirty war that is providing quite the opportunity to test, validate, and prove tracking systems and weapons applications in urban environments, on those who are being victimized by a system that has deemed a person's Constitutional rights null and void in an egregious and illegal manner. This video details a two-pronged attack whereby the online mental aspect of the attack against me may have been operating as merely a diversion and a smokescreen for the more serious and detrimental physical attack that was taking place simultaneously.
If you believe there is no escape especially from an admitted Gov contractor like Sweetb69- well then you are doomed. The moment you assume there is no escape you have already given your power away. Escape within, Raw food, meditation, distilled water. Detox those heavy metals. Make it harder for them to use frequency on you. Rise above with unconditional love. So fear not, the worst thing that can happen is you die.
I agree. And I'll do you one better. I will escape not only within but also without. Do not give your power away or succumb to the hopelessness that this is meant to instill. Both will result in a severe mental blow. You will have just lost the initiative and you're probably finished if you do. One must fight and continue to think on one's feet and adapt to the situation. Fear is your biggest enemy.
You can't go on like this, long term stress levels are going to kill you if they don't first. As for those online scumbags, perhaps you ought to block the lot of them and be done with, then that would be one less thing to worry about. Perhaps you could look into ways of strengthening your immune system also.
What do you mean you 'must endure their attacks in order to fulfill my life's purpose'? I know though for sure that they hate anyone that is waking people up and you are doing it on this subject so articulately and well. They clearly don't like intelligent people either, you should have been dumbed down at school and all that jazz known what I mean? I mean how dare you exercise your first amendment rights!?! Ugh!
Thanks. Unfortunately, I had to move to comment approval mode because of the COINTELPRO agents that have been systematically defaming me for months. First, they started in on me on my own channel so I did the prudent thing and blocked them.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted:
"Can someone please check to see if they can read organizedgangstalking3's feed comments?" I tried to post a response to your channel, but it didn't work for some reason. The same error message came up when I tried it.
I used a program to hide my IP address and they jammed all my internet access as soon as I did this. I have friends that are not targeted that said that the program worked fine for them.
The military refers to the Nano-Weaponry I am familiar with as Synthetic Telepathy or Neural Implants. These implants allow for them to see what you see, what you hear, and what you think. This means no spotters are necessary. Only that they do keep an eye on you to confirm the effective ability of the implant. Good job seeing the black SUV, also keep an eye out for solid white vans and other vehicles. The Occultists love to use white, see Kay Griggs interviews also!!
There is no escape unfortunately, they are implanting non-mechanized nations also. I personaly have worked in contract positions to the Government for 15 years and I have more info about the truth of these attacks than most people that are still alive. I can help by sharing the Meditation Exercise and to share some info about Stalkers, the TR-3B Astra Locust that Edgar Fouche exposed, also the info provided by William Cooper and Phil Schneider. Feel free to ask questions.
I validate your info as Telepathic Attacks. Also they have Nano-Weaponry that also physicaly attacks the body and the brain of the target because Satelites have detected that these targets are producing Theta Energy which is attached to Spiritual Abilities. I have found that a very Focused Meditation Exercise that was provided by Billy Meiers helps us to grow stronger and fight against these attacks both physicaly and Spiritualy. Feel free to ask for the Meditation Exercise. Peace in Wisdom