Friday, March 9, 2012

Musings of a Target Outside Perp Central Station

 I don't know what the TI Resistance is, I had never heard about it until some perps came and paid my channel a visit asking me to work for them. I assume it's COINTELPRO style tactics meant to splinter any growing movement among targeted individuals. Whatever it is has been trying to do whatever they can to discredit me, from defamation campaigns to attempted setups. I don't know what the name of the statue is, but it sits in front of the Franz Kafka Museum in Prague. Let's just say convienence can cause confusion on every level. Convienence has been a downward slope throughout history, we will someday reach the bottom of our mountain, then maybe we will all have a desire to climb back up together and leave no one behind.  I've made it pretty clear who "they" are every step of the way. When men are operating in the shadows and directing such programs clandestinely, it makes it hard to identify them by name. However, I have made it clear who I think the agencies behind this are, and if there is any confusion, the context can further be understood by examining my entire body of work that I have produced on here so far, with more to certainly follow.

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